Phenomenon of Lecithin: the new specialist book on the multitalent

Lecithins have long been known for their emulsifying and dispersant properties, as well as their nutritional benefits. They have wide applications and are indispensable in certain areas. The versatile properties of these phospholipids have been investigated and described by scientists many times in the past decades. With the growing importance of natural emulsifiers, and especially lecithin, for us as lecithin specialist it became necessary to update the general knowledge basis to this ingredient. The final result: the comprehensive specialist book „Phenomenon of Lecithin – Science, Technology, Applications“.

Initiator and main editor of this extensive work is our colleague Dr. Waldemar (Director of Applications and Technical Product Management), who has succeeded in engaging 24 notable international scientists and experts from eight countries for the book. The book examines lecithin from scientific, technological and applications standpoints. At the core are questions like: what is lecithin, how is it produced, what can it do and what parameters matter? In addition to the exciting 170 year history of lecithin, for the first time there is a book that examines the global production and processing quantities of it in various industries.

However, the primary focus of the book revolves around the many uses of lecithin in foods like chocolate and baked goods, food emulsions, instant powders and nutritional supplements. Other areas include animal feed, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and technical industry. “Lecithin has exceptional properties and as yet unused potential. With this book we want to give orientation and also ideas for new applications. We want to present the advantages of the substance and its uses in different industries,” explains Waldemar Buxmann.

More information to the new lecithin standard reference work in our latest press release. Or get your book now

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